Controlling Your Spending and Pay Off/Reduce Debt

Nick Vance, CEO

The average US household has over $16,000 in consumer debt! Debt can be a debilitating and immobilizing force in your life. The debt spiral is one of the most pervasive challenges in our economy. Usually debt is something that is in the back of our minds on a daily basis, causing us to make poor financial decisions. BN Focus is determined to fix this problem!

When you build a home, the first thing you do is pour your foundation; then you can build your dream home on top of your foundation. In order to build your dream financial future, you must first know what your spending habits are. Tracking your spending is the foundation that your financial future is built on. Although tracking your spending habits is tedious and commonly overlooked, it is imperative to establishing your financial wellbeing.

Because tracking your spending can be so easy to overlook, we have created tools that streamline that process for you. Not only will they help you track your spending, but these tools will also inform you what your habits are and where you can improve on your spending habits. By using just our Spending Detox tool you will absolutely find money that you can begin saving on a monthly basis. It is all about learning the correct principles and habits that will empower you to be in control of your money, rather than money controlling you!

Becoming debt free is as simple as creating a strategy and then executing that strategy. We have created calculators and tools that will provide a road map for you to become debt-free! Not only will you get a roadmap, but you will learn important strategies that will help you pay off your debt quickly and efficiently without eating into your monthly budget. It is all about learning the correct principles and habits that will empower you to be in control of money, rather than money controlling you!

  • I would make all the images smaller and have them allow the text to wrap around them.
  • I would have one image on the left and then two paragraphs later the other on the right.
  • I would remove the Financial Mastery info and have it added like outlined above on the check out page as an upsell.
